It’s been called the lord of stones. ‘Stone of Kings’. Ruby knows. It is a manifestation of vitality, sensuality and passion. It is dynamic. There is a select few gemstones that can actually give you physical energy. Ruby stone asks you to live your life for today, it gives you courage to be. It promotes high self-esteem. It holds the energy of the red ray. Ruby has been followed by generosity and wealth for centuries. An aphrodisiac stone, bringing vigour into your life from the seat of desires. It creates a profound sense of independence.”She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes.”
Red, Pink, Purple. The imperial standard. Symbolic links with living and life. Love and passion., To be dynamic. It’s red keeps us rooted in the red energy of our planet, the energy of gravity, while the precious purple attracts wealth and prosperity.
Ruby is the solitary and glowing eye which dragons and wyverns carry in the middle of their foreheads.
It’s been called the lord of stones. ‘Stone of Kings’. Ruby knows. It is a manifestation of vitality, sensuality and passion. It is dynamic. There is a select few gemstones that can actually give you physical energy. Ruby stone asks you to live your life for today, it gives you courage to be. It promotes high self-esteem. It holds the energy of the red ray. Ruby has been followed by generosity and wealth for centuries. An aphrodisiac stone, bringing vigour into your life from the seat of desires. It creates a profound sense of independence.”She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes.”
8mm Ruby Stones | Gold Plated Silver | Stretch Bracelet
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Red, Pink, Purple. The imperial standard. Symbolic links with living and life. Love and passion., To be dynamic. It’s red keeps us rooted in the red energy of our planet, the energy of gravity, while the precious purple attracts wealth and prosperity.
Ruby is the solitary and glowing eye which dragons and wyverns carry in the middle of their foreheads.
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